I have a habit of self-destruction. Every several months, I burn myself out. I let too many projects overlap for a week or two, and the result is usually lost sleep and high stress. The surprising thing is, I do this intentionally. I’m a believer that if you want to know where the line is […]
Set a Higher Baseline
For the last several months, I’ve written four articles a week for this website, plus Friday Links. That’s my baseline. Although occasionally I’ll do more, I take every step possible to ensure I don’t do less. Having this baseline means I occasionally miss the super-productive weeks where I could have written seven or eight articles. […]
Don’t Pay Yourself By the Hour
One of the worst things you can do is paying yourself by the hour. Hourly wages make the accounting easier for a payroll department. But that doesn’t mean it’s a good strategy when you’re working on your own time. Unfortunately, I frequently see students, entrepreneurs and self-employed people counting hours worked instead of work accomplished. […]
Keep a Journal to Solve Tough Problems
The common idea of a journal is a slightly more masculine diary. A book where that stores what you did each day, and how you felt about it. While this method of journaling is fine, it completely ignores the real benefit of keeping a journal. That benefit is being able to solve tricky problems. I […]