I’m sure most people are familiar with Pareto’s principle, developed by an Italian economist and most commonly known as the 80/20 Rule. While Pareto originally used the rule noticing that 80% of the wealth was owned by 20% of the population, the rule has applications in almost every area of life. There are many ways […]
Eliminate Boredom With These 12 Tips
I don’t believe boredom is caused by a lack of things to do. I don’t think that it is even caused by a lack of things you want to do. Rather I’ve found boredom is usually mislabeled to disguise a different problem. This is why most attempts to stop boredom don’t work, because they don’t […]
Twenty Ways to Stay Productive When Working at Home
How do you stay productive when you are working at home by yourself? Although many people working from home enjoy the freedom and convenience, it is much easier to be lazy outside of a work environment. The flexibility of working at home gives you the potential to be far more productive, but it can be […]
20 Procrastination Hacks
This post was written by Leo Babauta of ZenHabits.net I’m going to take a wild leap and suggest that procrastination is a problem that plagues even the best of us. Yes, even Scott Young must procrastinate once in awhile. I surely do. But even though I procrastinate, I find ways to get a lot done. […]