I just finished reading The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss. Between several readers of this site nagging me to buy the book and what is probably one of the best PR jobs I’ve seen in the blogging world, it was hard to miss this book. It seems like everyone has been talking about it. And […]
Want More Spare Time? The 7-Day Workload Detox
Detox diets seem to be fairly popular these days, where you adopt a bizarre diet for only a few days to flush out toxins. I’m not going to start questioning the medical effectiveness of spending a week eating nothing but broccoli juice, but this does bring up an interesting idea. Could it be possible to […]
The Laziest Solution Possible
Whenever there is a hard job to be done I assign it to a lazy man. He is sure to find an easy way of doing it. -Walter Chrysler Laziness is a fairly underrated virtue. It’s synonym made the short list of deadly sins (sloth) and it is often seen as the major culprit behind […]
Make Productivity Smooth By Reducing Friction
Friction wastes energy. You probably don’t need me to tell you that it’s easier pushing a rock on a slippery surface than over sandpaper. Friction exists in your life as well. It is all the aspects of the environment that slow down your productivity. If you want to get more done you can try pushing […]