I believe life balance doesn’t come so much from how you work, but how you rest. Unless you are working 80 hour workweeks in a toxic environment, the answer to the level of balance you have between life and work isn’t going to come from how you spend time in the office but what you […]
Eliminate Boredom With These 12 Tips
I don’t believe boredom is caused by a lack of things to do. I don’t think that it is even caused by a lack of things you want to do. Rather I’ve found boredom is usually mislabeled to disguise a different problem. This is why most attempts to stop boredom don’t work, because they don’t […]
Faster Improvement Made Simple
Have you ever set a goal or a resolution and failed to take the action necessary to make it succeed? Have you ever found yourself investing into improving one area of your life while others begin to crumble? Have you ever spent more time worrying and stressing about a problem then actually fixing it? Over […]
Nine Steps Towards a More Interesting Life
“The best way to get a better answer is to start asking a better question.” –Tony Robbins One of the biggest challenges you will ever face in your life is to look above all the minor distractions of today and envision the bigger picture. Unfortunately most people are so caught up in the minutia of […]