How to Change a Habit

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"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."

Do you have a habit you would like to change? This book will give you the tools and techniques to do that. Here are just a few of the changes you can make with the methods in this book:

Most people know what to do, but they still don't do it. You may know you need to get your debt under control, but you can't seem to control your spending. You might know you need to start living a healthier lifestyle but junk food crawls back into your house and you haven't hit the gym in months. You can know you need to become more optimistic but still fall down in cycles of depression.

This book is about teaching the right strategies so you don't need to constantly rely on willpower.

I've changed a lot of habits and studied hundreds of different theories and techniques for forming behaviors. Exercising, quitting television, becoming a vegetarian, cutting down e-mail, waking up earlier. Those changes are normally painful and long processes. But by practicing the right techniques I've learned how to do it with far less pain and much better results.

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This book shares the techniques I've found, researched and developed. In this book you'll learn:

This is just a small sampling of the hundreds of ideas I've poured into this e-book.

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Formatted precisely for computer reading, the e-book is designed to be read effortlessly on your computer so you don't have to squint and scroll to get the information you want. Coupled with full color illustrations to add impact to the examples and concepts, you can quickly absorb the information without tripping on technical jargon and long blocks of text.

The e-book comes with a 120 Day money-back guarantee. Long enough so that if you test out the ideas and you don't find they work for you, you can get a full refund.

What are some ways you could use the information in this book. Here's just a couple of the changes you could make far more easily with the ideas it offers:

The options are endless once you get over the biggest barrier, making it a habit.

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Because excellence isn't an act but a continuous practice, this book will give you the guide to actually follow up on all the things you already know you should do. I've found that the biggest obstacle in changing your eating habits, organization skills or personal relationships isn't knowing what to do, but knowing how to do it automatically.

I understand if you're still a bit skeptical. The idea that you can change habits easily seems a bit too good to be true. If that's the case, check out the Frequently Asked Questions section. It gives answers to the most common questions about the book.